Terror strikes again

I was planning to go to bed early yesterday night since my previous night was entirely spoiled by hathway. Just before switching off the TV, I noticed a flash news which says “Gun fires at two places in Mumbai“. One sudden vibration of terror passed through me, since this year had witnessed a lot hell of terror strikes by bloody f%^^&king terrorists. I dialed my mob to reach sis, who is there at mumbai with her family. They were all safe and my bro-in-law escaped from the station 30 minutes before the firing. This was enough to give me a peace of mind as the TV news shows nothing serious.

But as time passes, the feel of terror increased in me as the entire mishap became worst. News channels were keeping on reporting firings and blasts from various parts of south Mumbai. First the reports were of possible gang war, but slowly everyone started thinking the other way around. Gang wars neither happened in a way to endanger the public. Also the modus operandi of this attack seems to be entirely different from those we saw for the entire year. Unlike being cowards and blasting bombs here and there, militants started open attack with automatic rifles and grenades.

I was feeling like its gonna another sleepless night. It was 1 O’ clock at night and I was still in front of news channels, which shows the severity and the seriousness of the attack. The death tolls raising from none to 5, then to 10, had reached 25 at that time. Fresh reports of gunshots and blasts hitting the screen. I can guess the panic these bastards are creating in the financial capital of India. A city, which never sleeps, has been brought under high terror and panic by a group of f&%^&^%king bastards.

Slowly the picture was getting more and more clear. The entire drama seems to be an attempt for a hostage situation at the top hotels in the city, Taj and Oberoi. The clips showed clearly the hotel inmates asking for help through the windows of their room. I was able to hear the gunshots and some blasts inside the hotel pretty loud and clear in the clips itself. Journlists reporting from all parts of Mumbai for all the channels. I wonder how these girls got this much guts. They were standing right within the AK-47 range of the militants and were reporting. Hats off for you guys!!!

The hotels which are among the top accomodations of foreigners were put under attack and this clearly shows these terrorists want to put a black mark on India in the international map. After all what will they get with these terror attempts!!??? What is the final destination of these militants? So much questions lie there unanswered in my mind. With these questions and the trust I have in my country’s force, I went to bed hoping to hear good news today morning.

Today 6:30 AM : I was literally running towards my television to reach the news channels. But I was shocked to see whatever hopes I was having being crushed. The death toll which was 25 when I last saw, now shows 100+!!! And the great Taj hotel opposite to the Gateway of India was on fire. Fumes coming up from the centre dome, gunshots being heard!!! People, police, NSG, army, journalists running everywhere… A whole panic situation. And wait a minute!!! “Deccan Mujahuddin“!!! A new militant outfit coming up. What a crap!? This country is already suffering from loots of known and unknown gangs and here comes a new one. Its nearing 12 hours from the start of this attack, and still the situation remains the same. Reports of another blasts, finding of looots of RDX and all increased the panic inside me even though I was considering myself safe, sitting miles away in Bangalore.

What is happening? Three police officers in high cadres shot dead and loots of police men shot dead!!! Where is this nation heading towards? In the world’s largest democratic country nobody is safe!!! No matter whether you are in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Lucknow, Jaipur, Guwahati or even Cochin. The things had got so worst that “at the end of the day if you are alive, be grateful to god for that“.

PS : I’m sorry for the language I used for this post, but I can’t resist from using such adjectives for those who are there to bid for our life